DIY Lashes: No, Please Don't.

DIY lashes seem to be the thing of the moment, but our very own Beverly Piper, co-founder of Lash FX, is here to give you some advice on what to tell any clients who are thinking of picking up the tweezers and adhesive themselves!
Here’s why not to DIY:
“Not only are you using sharp metal tools near your own open eye, but you will also be partly blocking your own vision. One slip, and ouch!”
“Since you can't see all that well, who knows where these lashes are being placed, and if they are in the right position or not? Even one misplaced lash can cause quite a bit of discomfort and look unsightly!”
“If in the wrong hands, adhesive could potentially cause problems for the eye. Applying individual or cluster lashes isn’t as simple as applying strip lashes – in fact, technicians undergo thorough training to become certified lash technicians.”
“During Classic and Russian Lashes application, the lower lashes are secured down using a specially designed gel patch - this keeps them separate from the upper lashes. One blink without something protecting your lower lashes, and you could stick your upper and lower lashes together.”